Natural tigernut horchata

Delicious concentrated natural tiger nut horchata, with designation of origin

High quality horchata, with all the flavor of natural tigernut. Recognized by the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin Chufa de Valencia

ideal for bars and cafes

Natural tigernut concentrate

Liquid concentrate, ready to prepare the best natural tigernut horchata

Perfect for serving delicious and fresh tigernut horchatas in your cafeteria or bar, minimizing product waste, with a longer shelf life than traditional horchata, and guaranteeing all the original tigernut flavor.

A horchata recognized by the Regulatory Council of the Denomination of Origin Chufa de Valencia.

Mode of use

Mix and serve cold

Our natural tiger nut milk concentrate is supplied in practical 1L glass bottles (boxes of 8 units).

  • Dilute 1L concentrated Horchata + 4L of Water.
  • Pour the mixture into the tank of the machine.
  • Serve very cold.

From 1L of concentrated horchata, approximately 17 glasses of 300 ml are obtained.

Do you want to know how to improve your income with our natural tigernut milk?

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